Plugin Name: A/B Theme Testing Plugin Author: Aaron Edwards at (for Incsub) Change Log: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.3.2 - 1/3/2014 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix tracking code not working with asynchronus GA - Added notice to themes page to prevent confusion when you can't change themes with the test active - Fix various php notices 1.3.1 - 10/31/2013 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Remove disabled old admin tracking option - Text changes to avoid confusion 1.3 - 10/17/2013 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Use events to send custom vars instead of pageviews to maintain bounce rate 1.2 - 10/09/2013 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fully internationalize with abt textdomain 1.1 - 10/03/2013 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add support for Child themes - Add support for GA async tracking code - Various improvements 1.0.2 - 05/03/2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Make GA code field bigger for newer accounts. 1.0.1 - 02/08/2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Initial WPMU DEV Release. 1.0.0 - 09/25/2009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Initial Release. 51443-1431398444-au