=== Directory === Contributors: ivanshaovchev Tags: directory, paypal, post types, taxonomies, custom fields, Requires at least: 3.3.0 Tested up to: 3.3.2 Stable tag: 2.1 The Directory plugin lets you create full blown directory website. == Description == The “Directory” plugin gives you the ability to create a full blown directory site. At its core it uses the “Content Types” submodule introduced with CustomPress which gives you the ability to control all of your custom post types, taxonomies and fields. The “Directory” plugin, uses custom taxonomies for its top level categories. You can as add many taxonomies as you want. Each taxonomy can be extended by adding categories and sub-categories inside it. Using this method you can create extremely well organized directory with perfect URL structure. = Features = 1.Add/edit/delete post types, taxonomies and custom fields. 2.Default theme with options for “Background”, “Colors”, "Styles" and "Layout" 3.Preconfigured Taxonomies and Custom Fields ( you can import at will ) 4.Header banner advertising management 5.Cost of Service / Terms of Service management 6.PayPal Express payment gateway ( direct or recurring payments ) == Installation == 1. Extract the plugin archive file. 2. Upload the 'directory' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory. 3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress == Frequently Asked Questions == == Upgrade Notice == == Usage Guides == The “Directory” plugin package comes with a default theme. It can be found inside “directory/themes/default” directory. You can use it straight from the plugin or if you want to customize it you can copy it to your “themes” directory and do your customizations there. Speaking of customization the theme comes with theme options for “Background”, “Colors”, "Styles" and "Layout". You can find these options inside your WP-ADMIN panel under the top level menu “Appearance”. With these options you can control almost any presentation aspect from the default theme. The “Directory” plugin also comes with the “PayPal Express” payment gateway integrated. You can set up you API credential inside Directory->Payments->PayPal settings and you can begin chagrin your users for membership. Current version comes with a paypal one time payments, direct credit card payments and recurring billing payments integrated. For the recurring billing payments you can set the billing period and billing frequency for the payments. The plugin also offer a header banner space which can be managed as a Advertising widget For the novice users, the plugin comes with 16 base preconfigured taxonomies which you can import at will. You can also import an example Custom Field. Using the “Custom Fields” functionality of the Content Types submodule you can extend your listings however you like – text-fields, text-areas, check-boxes, radio buttons, drop-downs and more. You can find all of this settings inside Direcrory->General->General Settings The current version also allows you to set the Content Types to apply for sub-sites network-wide. That option can be found under Directory->General->General Settings 51443-1433883834-au