Plugin Name: Support System Author: WPMU DEV Tags: support, ticket, faq Requires at least: 3.9 Tested up to: 4.2.2 Change Log: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - 2016-08-29 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix: PHP 5.2 support. - Fix: Malformed assets URLs - Fix: SQL error when tickets messsages table is created under certain environments - Fixed some translations - 2015-07-10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Pro Sites integration was not being loaded. 2.1.9 - 2015-07-03 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Searching for FAQS from Admin - Fixed: Ticket updated date was failing to set the right date when inserting/updating a ticket in some systems - Fixed: Attachments were not being processed when replying from admin - Added "Add New Ticket" submenu link - Added Pages IDs getters and filters to modify them - Enhancement: Loading plugin later to avoid issues with other plugins - Little improvements on admin styles - Added more unit tests 2.1.8 - 2015-05-26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed Unit tests - Fixed: FAQ Categories table was not created in some cases for single sites 2.1.7 - 2015-05-25 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Added error messages for unsupported file uploads. 2.1.6 - 2015-05-14 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Query class remade. FAQs, Tickets and Ticket Form can now live in the same page. 2.1.5 - 2015-03-30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Staff dropdown was not selecting the right person - Fixed: Issue when getting a FAQ/Ticket Category using a numeric value inside - Enhancement: Added new filter to hook the Support System Query Parse function - Fixed: Issues when FAQs shortcode and Submit new ticket shortcode were in the same page - Fixed: MySQL Error when 2 ticket/FAQ categories were inserted with the same name - Fixed: Cache system for tickets/faqs and categories 2.1.4 - 2015-03-16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Setting empty ticket in Query Class by default to avoid notices/warnings - Fixed: New tickets were being set to low priority from Frontend - Enhancement: Added double confirmation before deleting a ticket 2.1.3 - 2015-03-12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Tickets table bulk delete was deleting wrong tickets 2.1.2 - 2015-03-09 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Wrong ticket status when user replies to its own ticket 2.1.1 - 2015-03-04 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Users were displayed with login username in front. 2.1 - 2015-02-03 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Enhancement: FAQs Frontend. - Enhancement: Added widgets in Frontend to update ticket details. - Enhancement: Cache system reviewed. - Enhancement: Edit Ticket Admin page revamped. - Enhancement: PHP <5.4 compatibility added. - Enhancement: New Tickets meta table. - Fixed: Ticket status issue when inserting a reply. - Other minor fixes. - 2015-01-21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Warnings in WP Title were not applied in 2.0.4 2.0.4 - 2015-01-13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Warnings in WP Title - Fixed: Mail contents were not translating due to newlines format 2.0.3 - 2015-01-13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Enhancement: Badge changed in Welcome screen - Fixed: Wrong user name in admin email when creating a new ticket - Fixed: Answering tickets was setting the status back to New - Fixed some responsive styles 2.0.2 - 2015-01-13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Enhancement: Improved some styles - Fixed: Using abslute values in SASS instead of rems to improve plugin frontend on more themes - Fixed: Pagination issue - Fixed: Users could not open/close their own tickets - Fixed: Sites administrators could not create tickets opened in their sites. - Fixed: Permissions system issue in Front End 2.0.1 - 2015-01-13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Shortcodes were only working in main site in a network. 2.0 - 2015-01-12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - New: Frontend shortcodes added for tickets - New: Frontend styles based on Foundation 5 - New: Cache system - Enhancement: Queries rebuilt from scratch - Enhancement: Added many new actions/filters - Enhancement: Improved Pro Sites integration - Enhancement: Improved admin styles - Fixed many minor bugs/issues ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed issue while assigning an administrator to a ticket in single sites. 1.9.9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Stripping slashes from FAQ questions. * Sending emails to user when a ticket has been closed. * New FAQ screen stylings * Time of creation/update now considering UTC. * Fixed error on updating dates. * New feature: Search in FAQ screen. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed error when creating FAQ categories table 1.9.8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed counts in tickets * Fixed counts in FAQs * New feature: Automatically assign a user to a ticket based on ticket categories 1.9.7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed bug when using PHP 5.4+ 1.9.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * New feature: Attachments on tickets * New feature: Embed media in FAQs * Fixed issue with mails encoding * Fixed bug on FAQs counts * Fixed bug with images in FAQs 1.9.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * New setting: Default Super Admin for notifications * Mail System improved. * Fixed bug when selecting a Staff Representative. * Replaced user nicename for display name in mails * Better user experience for tickets table 1.9.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed visit link when sending emails * Fixed Headers in mails * Made mails translatable 1.9.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Some strings were not being translated * Fixed link when updating ticket from Network 1.9.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Improved translation system 1.9.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Multiselect user roles * Improved upgrading system * Little optimizations * Added some custom filters/actions * Other minor changes 1.9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Single site compatibility * Minor fixes 1.8.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Settings page moved under Support Main menu. * New setting: Users can open/see tickets based on their roles. * Added new icons for admin menus * Improved tickets screen with a better submenu classification: all, active and closed tickets 1.8.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed upgrade function 1.8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Added total integration with Pro Sites based on levels * Plugin totally recoded * New feature: WYSIWYG Editor for tickets * New feature: New setting that brings the possibility to hide tickets from users which did not opened them. * New styles for FAQs * More WP admin integration * Fixed several bugs and notices * Categories can now be edited ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed: Incorrect URL in Support Ticket Email ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed: Slashes in e-mail * Fixed: Support System Time stamps are not right 1.7.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Added new field 'Submitted From' (Link to users blog) * Process shortcodes in FAQ content and ticket replies 1.7.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed: Not emailing when tickets are submitted * Fixed: Extra slashes 1.7.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Switch WYSIWYG editor to TinyMCE and Quicktags * WordPress 3.3 compatibility 1.6.9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Call to a member function has_cap 1.6.8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed: Extra slashes * Don't display recent support tickets if the user doesn't have edit_post capability * Fixed: RTL issues 1.6.7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed: Editing questions * Fixed: Orphaned questions when categories are removed * Improved SQL queries 1.6.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed: Deleting multiple FAQ questions 1.6.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed: Update support options 1.6.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed: Add menu user level deprecated * HTML input to FAQ editor 1.6.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed: Saving and adding FAQ questions * Fixed: FAQ count issue 1.6.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * On upgrade update faq cat counts * Create a new FAQ from a support response 1.6.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed: 65,535 questions available * Add styles to categories 1.6.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Tested with WordPress 3.1 1.5.9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed: Blank screen in ticket details page 1.5.8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed: Localizations don't load * Finalized localizing 1.5.7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed: Issue with creating FAQ and support categories * Fixed: Plugin not appearing (due to zero width no-break space) 1.5.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Do not show WPD when IMAP settings are wrong * IMAP with no SSL issue * Fixed: Duplicate default categories 1.5.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Notify user when admin replies a ticket while awaiting user reply * Include link to the ticket in the notification mail to the user * Switch the main menu text option to a site option * Localization * Use css classes to hide faq (not inline styles) * Reply to tickets via mail (Needs access to mailbox via IMAP) * Fixed redirect after saving Support options * Test IMAP settings * Possible fix for "Support System Invalid Ticket message" 1.5.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed database tables not created on plugin activation * Uses AJAX to save "Was this Helpful" * Change text of the main menu item * Removed html entities in the mail * Self contained plugin 1.5.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * 3.0+ compatibility update 1.5.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Subscribers can now access the FAQ page * Any user who can edit posts can submit tickets 1.5.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Bug fix release. Thanks goes out to Venturemaker! 1.5.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * 2.7 compatibility update. 1.0.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initial Release. 51443-1472500864-au