== Changelog == = = 2016-05-22 - Fix BuddyPress Q&A page caused fatal error - Fix answer form displayed on other post types = 1.4.4 = 2015-01-19 - Plugin revamp = = 2015-01-09 - Fixed "Add new" button being rendered under Answers section. - Fixed issue with permalinks and nesting levels on questions and answers screens in admin = = 2014-06-26 - Fixed author display in Q&A backend = = 2014-05-07cd wp - Admin email notifications pass url to the backend for pending questions. - Hides the Answers if a question is password protected. - Problem with front end not retrieving "pending listings" - Fixed "on_question_notify()" missing globals = = 2014-03-06 - Fixed question count display on tabs - Fixed Question list display on user pages. = = 2014-03-05 - Fixed email notification loop = = 2014-02-26 - Added qa_bp_activity_action filter hook to allow customizing the activity text in BuddyPress. Passes the default $action and the $post for both Questions and Answers. = = 2014-02-21 - Fixed General Settings form sending multiple copies of some fields. Prevented the cc admin field frm being saved in some circumstances. = = 2014-02-21 - Notifications of new questions to users moved to after the transition to published. - Added cc Administrator settings, CC admin on all emails. - Changed Class structure to newer _construct for strict parsing. = 1.4.3 = - "Use Captcha" setting now applies to Questions and Answers as wel as Reports. = = - Added twentythirteen and twentyfourteen custom templates. Twentyfourteen is an example of a responsive Q&A - New WPMU Dashboard = = * Fixes for Buddypress profile page. = = * Added "the_qa_submit_button" filter * Added "the_question_form" filter * Added "the_answer_form" filter * Added "the_qa_search_form" filter * Restricted Role list to editable roles only to avoid confusion with bbPress forum roles. = = * Fixed Answer accepted flag. * Fixed Admin question and answer list only displaying admin as the author. = = * Answers not being accepted under some circumastances. = = * Another un-nulled $post variable causing media upload problems. * New dashboard added. = = * Nulled global $post variable on entering new question or answer to avoid a media upload problem in WP > 3.5. Bug in WP uses leftover post info on ajax call. http://mikekelly.myblog.arts.ac.uk/2013/04/25/tracking-down-a-wordpress-bug/ * Added "upload_files" capability so other roles can be given image/media upload rights. = = * Added Question column to the Admin backend. * Broke out Changelog * Cleaned user ids * Corrected SSL urls * Cleaned language files = = * the_content filter is applied to the answer contents * Fix for SEO plugins showing 404 for page title when there are no posts on the website = 1.4.2 = * A default question category can be selected * Fix for WPMU DEV Dashboard notice markup * Fix for password notification email not being sent after registration = 1.4.1 = * Support for twentytwelve theme * Page and sidebar widths are not preset if a supported theme is active * Fixed number of displayed items in the Questions widget * Some clarifications in admin side descriptions * Translation base file is now presented as qa.pot = = * Fixed a warning message about _qa_reports on admin side = = * Question ask editor position corrected = 1.4.0 = * css codes required to adapt the theme is automatically estimated by the plugin based on page and sidebar width and layout * Admin UI modified * Tags are now stripped from submitted question title * More filter hooks added = 1.3.1 = * Questions and answers can now be reported/flagged with Captcha verification option * Added more filter and action hooks * Fixed wrong ordering in the reputation widget * Thesis template files fixed = 1.3.0 = * Added full width Q&A pages selection option * Added Users with Highest Reputation widget * Questions Per Page is now adjustable * Question status count included in admin Right Now Dashboard box * Changed optional question save status from draft to pending now * Features synchronized with Q&A Lite = = * Fixed a minor display bug (forgotten closing italics tag) = 1.2.0 = * Added possibility to save questions in draft mode for all user levels * Anon questions can be assigned to an existing author * Added possibility to remove commenting in Buddypress activity stream * Css settings can be set using admin panel now * Added wp_editor filter, post filter and several other filter hooks to control how questions are saved and messages are sent * Disabling of WP editor is now possible * Answers per page can be set from admin side * Admin UI improved * More explanatory reply in case of a duplicate question submission * Added proper uninstall functionality * Default capabilities are now better set during installation * Fixed unauthorized users accessing question pages. They are now redirected to a selectable page instead * Fixed css issue for accepted answer icon * Fixed notices displayed in WP Debug mode * activity-action class is included in css file to prevent links become invisible = 1.1.9 = * Fixed: Up, Down buttons in BuddyPress default theme * Fixed: Unable to change the Question Category once the Question has been added = 1.1.8 = * Fixed: settings item = 1.1.7 = * Fixed: new wordpress user after Q&A anon answer No New User Emails = 1.1.6 = * New configurable options QA_FLOOD_SECONDS, QA_SLUG_ROOT, QA_SLUG_ASK, QA_SLUG_EDIT, QA_SLUG_UNANSWERED, QA_SLUG_TAGS, QA_SLUG_CATEGORIES, QA_SLUG_USER, QA_ANSWER_ACCEPTED, QA_ANSWER_ACCEPTING, QA_ANSWER_UP_VOTE, QA_QUESTION_UP_VOTE, QA_DOWN_VOTE, QA_DOWN_VOTE_PENALTY, QA_ANSWERS_PER_PAGE, QA_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_DIR . Define them in wp-config.php to override default options. * Filter questions by tag or category in Questions Widget = 1.1.5 = * Fixed: Q&A - not HTTPS / SSL compatible * Fixed: Only Super Admin sees the settings menu in Q&A plugin * Fixed: Moderation plugin works with Questions but not Answers in Q&A plugin * Fixed: Q&A manage email subscription = 1.1.4 = * Fixed: Nothing shows up in my settings tab = 1.1.3 = * Fixed: Settings menu slug = 1.1.2 = * Thesis compatibility = 1.1.1 = * Fixed: Question author email notification no happening * Now works with WPML = 1.1.0 = * Possible fix for Call to undefined function get_current_site() = 1.0.9 = * Possible fix for missing domain name in e-mail notification * Fixed: Q&A user can access Questions tab from WP dashboard = 1.0.8 = * Fixed: QA Answers not shown to visitors even though they are given the capability = 1.0.7 = * Better theme compatibility for Twenty Eleven, Twety Ten, BP Default and Products themes * Make your own theme style mod and copy to qa/theme-mods/css/custom-.css * More styling improvements * Added visitor role to control what users not logged in can use in QA = 1.0.6 = * QA post terms not saved if the user is not logged in = 1.0.5 = * Allow susbscribers view answers and questions by default * New filters qa_before_menu, qa_first_menu_item, qa_last_menu_item, qa_after_menu, is_qa_page, qa_get_url, qa_is_question_answered, qa_time, qa_user_link, qa_get_question_link, qa_question_score, qa_question_status * New actions qa_before_content, qa_before_question_loop, qa_before_question, qa_before_question_stats, qa_after_question_stats, qa_before_question_summary, qa_after_question_summary, qa_after_question, qa_after_question_loop, qa_after_content, qa_before_question_meta, qa_after_question_meta, qa_before_edit_answer, qa_after_edit_answer = 1.0.5 = * Fixed anonymous posting so author is assigned before flooding test. = 1.0.4 = * Fixed: WYSIWYG editor doesn't wrap * Fixed: Votes Array Error = 1.0.3 = * Fixed: BP Default theme issues * Fixed: BP Default child theme issues * Fixed: BP 1.5 compatibility * Fixed: Tag search when not logged in * No more slow down message for Administrators (users with manage_options capability) * Fixed: Rating by subscribers * Fixed: Missing question title in answer notification * Fixed: Notified as new question when it's infact a new answer * Fixed: 404 error in ask page * Auto generate answer title to help backend answer management * Fixed: QA capabilities not taking affect * BuddyPress Activity stream integration * Switch frontend WYSIWYG editor to TinyMCE and Quicktags * WordPress 3.3 compatibility = 1.0.2 = * BuddyPress integration * prevent extra large font on single question page * don't penalize users for downvoting questions, only answers * New question e-mail notification = 1.0.1 = * show message when non-logged-in user tries to vote * fix reputation points bug * load archive-question.php template even when there are no unanswered questions = 1.0 = * ajaxified voting and answer accepting * allow users to accept their own answers (without gaining reputation) * fixed compatibility with Theme My Login plugin * more descriptive error messages * sturdier CSS = 1.0-beta2 = * changed default CSS * added widgets: question list, question tags, question categories * added sidebar to default templates * added class to qa templates * fixed issue with WP-Polls plugin * fixed issue with form not working in IE * other minor bugfixes = 1.0-beta1 = * initial release 51443-1472477203-au