Plugin Name: Signup TOS Author: Andrew Billits Change Log: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.3.5 - 29/12/2014 - Umesh Kumar ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Check shortcode argument to display checkbox 1.3.4 - 26/05/2014 - Umesh Kumar ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - New WP normal site support 1.3.3 - 02/08/2014 - Umesh Kumar ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed formatting issue ( ul tag being filtered from tos content ) 1.3.2 - 02/05/2014 - Umesh Kumar ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix signup compatibility issue with Buddypress 1.3.1 - 10/28/2013 - Eugene Manuilov ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add WP editor to TOS edit page instead of textarea - Fix signup compatibility issue with Membership plugin 1.3 - 09/27/2013 - Aaron ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add [singup-tos] shortcode for embedding in posts and pages 1.2.3 - 03/12/2013 - Aaron ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Include default language files 1.2.2 - 08/12/2011 - Vladislav Bailovic ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Moved BuddyPress form field to a different hook. 1.2.1 - 1/05/2011 - Aaron Edwards ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - WP 3.1 Compatibility - Changed install location for autoupdate ability 1.2.0 - 07/13/2010 - Aaron Edwards ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Switched from textarea to inline-styled div to support html content - Fixed slashes bug when entering quotes - Full i18n: Place language file in the plugins folder or plugins folder and name it "" - Support for regular WordPress w/BuddyPress 1.1.0 - 06/01/2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - 3.0+ compatibility update 1.0.9 - 12/07/2009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added BuddyPress 1.1+ compatibility 1.0.8 - 04/20/2009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added readonly="readonly" to the text box 1.0.7 - 03/11/2009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Removed disabled="disabled" from the text box 1.0.6 - 03/02/2009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added site admin check - Minor code improvements 1.0.5 - 08/21/2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - 2.6 styling update 1.0.4 - 06/10/2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug that caused the TOS not to be display on some installs 1.0.3 - 06/10/2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug that caused the TOS not to be display 1.0.2 - 03/20/2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - 1.5+ compatibility update 1.0.1 - 03/20/2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added disabled="disabled" to the text box 1.0.0 - 07/16/2007 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Initial Release. 51443-1431398445-au