Plugin Name: Subscribe by Email Author: WPMU DEV Requires at least: 3.5 Tested up to: 4.5.2 Change Log: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.5.3 2015-05-17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix: Subject encoding issue 3.5.2 2015-02-02 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add: New filter to filter widget instance on validation 3.5.1 2015-11-17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: From email in a subfolder multisite was set to 'no-reply@' 3.5 2015-11-15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Enhance: Fixed some translations. - Enhance: Improved handler to avoid duplicated digests. - Enhance: Fixed MySQL 5.6 incompatibility - Fixed: Typo in email template. - New hooks. 3.4.4 2015/09/15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Fatal error when upgrading from a very old version 3.4.3 2015/08/22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: When deleting a site in a multisite the queue table was deleted. 3.4.2 2015/08/11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Updated widget to WP 4.3 constructor 3.4.1 2015/07/22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Do not send Metabox was not working properly for immediately sendings. 3.4 2015/07/15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - New: Added meta box to avoid sending single posts - Enhanced: Added custom capability 3.3 2015/07/07 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - New: Preview template in real time. - New: auto opt in attribute in shortcode. 3.2.1 2015/06/08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Full post/excerpt content were not being rendered in digests. 3.2 2015/06/01 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Enhancement: Email templates can now be overriden with custom templates in theme folder. - Fixed typos. - Fixed several warnings. 3.1.2 2015/04/30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added script to scroll down to the shortcode form if there have been errors while processing it. 3.1.1 2015/04/30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Page title when a user subscribes/unsubscribes 3.1 2015/04/20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Enhancement: Removed old legacy code. - Enhancement: Plugin is now faster loading. - Fixed: Post types with no taxonomies were not being sent. - Added unit tests folder 3.0.3 2015/04/10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Enhancement: Additional check to avoid duplicated emails. - Fixed: TinyMCE Editor button now updated for WordPress 4.1 3.0.2 - 2015/03/16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Enhancement: When an email fails, error is now displayed in Emails Logs - Other minor fixes 3.0.1 - 2015/01/31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Email address missing in notification mail 3.0 - 2015/01/27 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Enhancement: New hooks. - Enhancement: Administrators notifications are now sent once the user is confirmed in order to avoid spam. - Fixed: Sending emails by taxonomies was not working right. - Fixed: When activating in a subsite inside a Network, from email was set wrong. - Fixed: Character encoding in subscribe/unsubscribe notices. 2.9.3 - 2015/01/12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Fatal error when deleting custom fields 2.9.2 - 2014/11/27 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixing: When creating a new campaign, the max subscriber ID to send was set wrong - Enhancement: Added actions to finish campaigns manually 2.9.1 - 2014/11/26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Queue table was not created in some cases. - Fixed: Sites in multisite were not sending their own queue but other sites queue - Other minor fixes 2.9 - 2014/11/03 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Enhancement: Added queue screen that allows more control over emails that are going to be sent. - Enhancement: Trigger next batch of emails with a button. - Enhancement: Many performance improvements - Enhancement: UI/Icons Improvements - Enhancement: Added more filters. - Fixed: Settings needed to be saved twice when the plugin was activated. - Other minor fixes. 2.8.3 - 2014/08/29 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Preview email was only sent if the email was a subscriber. 2.8.2 - 2014/08/08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed: Added trailing slash to Unsubscribe-List header Enhanced: Logo uploader updated to WP 3.5+ Media Uploader Enhanced: Added more hooks - 2014/08/06 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed: Fatal error when downloading CSV Fixed: warning on manage subscriptions page Fixed: Manage subscriptions page link might appear in emails even if there wasn't any selected Fixed: Removing text inserted by mistake in network settings - 2014/07/08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Bug that did not let update subscribers metadata 2.8.1 - 2014/07/05 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Upgrade system in 2.8 was failing in some cases. - Disable email edition to avoid sendings incoherences 2.8 - 2014/05/27 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- New: Subscriptions/subscriptions_meta are not used anymore (though old tables are still available). New: Subscribers moved to Posts table. New: Improved subscribers list styles. New: Network queue table for emails. Emails are not sent immediately any more but they are enqueued to avoid duplicated sendings. New: Added more filters Improve: Plugin loads now much faster. Improve: Logo uploader comatible with 3.8 media uploader. Improve: Lot of code removed/refactored. Added: uninstall functionality Other minor improvements/fixes 2.7.5 - 2014/04/17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Updated for WordPress 3.9 2.7.4 - 2014/04/10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixing upgrade bug on 2.7. In some cases the From Sender is replaced by the main site option * Fixed SSL issue 2.7.3 - 2014/04/03 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed: Notice when editing post * Fixed: WP Editor Icon in front 2.7.2 - 2014/04/02 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed: Shortcode layout * Added 3.8 shortcode icon in WP Editor (with backward compatibility) 2.7.1 - 2014/03/27 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed: Fatal error on single sites while upgrading plugin 2.7 - 2014/03/27 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Mail batches, From Email and Log File Settings have been moved to Network Admin in multisites. * Removed slug field from custom fields. * Added screen options in subscribers page. * Improved performance * Fixed warning. * Fixed: User Email could be empty on administrator email notices. 2.6.2 - 2014/03/03 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed typo on unsubscribe screen. 2.6.1 - 2014/02/22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed warning on Sent emails page 2.6 - 2014/02/21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Improved sending system * Added shortcode * Added more positions settings for Follow Button * Added full content/excerpt in digests setting * Other minor fixes 2.5.1 - 2014/01/14 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed raw HTML format for some email providers. * AJAX in widget restored * Custom fields were not being added when subscribing on widget. * Forcing charset due to an issue on RTL languages. * Reduced time between batches. * CSV feature simplified * Plugin now resends the confirmation email if the subscriber tries to subscribe again and is not yet confirmed 2.5 - 2013/12/18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Emails are now sent with HTML + plain text support * New feature: Custom fields for each user. * Additional checks to prevent duplicated emails. * widget CSS customizer. * Changed site_url for home_url. * Some styles improved. * Added actions/filters. * Less files loading now on startup. * Export page merged into subscribers page. * New feature: Time selection on weekly digests. * Added post meta to identify which posts have been sent already. * Added dark/light schemas for follow button. * Some Code reorganized. * Added cache system. * Easier and faster queries when getting subscribers. * Preventing delete logs when log ID does not exist. * Fixed bug in content generator. * More small improvements. 2.4.9 - 2013/11/13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed memory issue with logs. * Improved performance * Logs are now saved in files * New setting: Set how often are the logs erased. * More details in logs. * Minor fixes. 2.4.8 - 2013/10/31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed warning on activation when the plugin tables are empty 2.4.7 - 2013/10/21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Removing default value from a text column in DB * Fixed "Inmediately" typo * CPTs without any taxonomy were not being sent * Fixed error on sending categories that were not saved yet * Splitted functionality from templates and content generator * Improved logging system * Improved logs screen layout * Added new column on subscribers table * Fixed issue with %title% wildcard 2.4.6 - 2013/09/23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed fatal error for single sites 2.4.5 - 2013/09/23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Plugin was sending lots of mails when the digest was weekly scheduled 2.4.4 - 2013/09/13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed notices when creating a new blog * Fixed typo that wasn't allowing to add users * Improved Settings System 2.4.3 - 2013/09/11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed error on categories filter 2.4.2 - 2013/09/06 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed error on categories filter 2.4.1 - 2013/08/30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Removed debug code inserted by mistake 2.4 - 2013/08/29 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Improved performance (settings just loaded when needed) * Added Confirm Subscription action in Subscribers Table * Added subscribers counter in widget * Added "Never" option in frequency digest sending * New settings: Logo width( with Slider ), notifications, From Sender text in header * New feature: Follow button * New feature: Send digests based on categories * Added new tab in Settings page to set the mail contents * Added auto-opt in options. * Set the subscribed placeholder in widget 2.3 - 2013/07/26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Texts improved * Reduced time between batches to 30min * Improved log table * Fixed error while sending batches * Fixed minor bugs * Changed template system * Improved mails system performance * Fixed error when sending different post types on weekly or daily digest * Added new Subscription Management screen * Fixed bug when saving settings * Added languages files * Fixed JS conflict * Fixed error when sending a test email. 2.2 - 2013/07/18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Added auto-opt In option when importing and adding new subscribers. * Added auto-opt In option in widget * New Post Types Setting * Improved some captions * Improved Settings page, splitted into tabs * Added new subscribe email customization text field * Fixed export CSV date * Minor bug fixing 2.1.1 - 2013/07/06 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Removed debugging left by mistake 2.1 - 2013/07/06 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed Fatal error for Single Sites 2.0 - 2013/07/05 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Plugin completely recoded - Added a more customizable template - Emails sent in batches controlled by the user. - Better styled widget - New emails sent log - Send mails weekly or daily - The plugin sends a confirmation email for each new subscription 1.1.5 - 3/1/2013 - Aaron Edwards ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix XSS vulnerability! - Style settings buttons - Add menu icon - Update dashboard notice script - 12/17/2012 - S H Mohanjith ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - WordPress 3.5 compatibility - Fixed: &nbsp inserted into emails - Fixed: short tags inserted into emails - 07/13/2012 - S H Mohanjith ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Cancel URL trailing slash issue 1.1.4 - 05/23/2012 - S H Mohanjith ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Configurable variable AUTHOR_NAME - Fixed: LDAP Users are not Auto Subscribed - Fixed: CANCEL_URL and redirections 1.1.3 - 05/12/2012 - S H Mohanjith ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Export Subscribers - Notification subject configurable - Configurable variables BLOGNAME, POST_TITLE, and EXCERPT in subject 1.1.2 - 02/12/2012 - S H Mohanjith ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Make button text a widget option - E-mail validation - Fixed: Appearance -> Widget; title and text not translatable 1.1.1 - 01/01/2012 - S H Mohanjith ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Undefined variables - Removed unused Modal Box js and css - Usability improvements - WordPress 3.3 improvements 1.1.0 - 10/02/2011 - S H Mohanjith ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Reschedule before timing out - Fixed: Undefined index: action 1.0.9 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Image editing issue caused by Subscribe by Email 1.0.8 - 05/13/2011 - S H Mohanjith ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Notification mail as an option 1.0.7 - 05/13/2011 - S H Mohanjith ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Authors Name not appearing in email 1.0.6 - 05/13/2011 - S H Mohanjith ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Authors Name not appearing in email 1.0.5 - 05/08/2011 - Aaron Edwards ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed encoding for blog names that have quotes in them 1.0.4 - 04/27/2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Javascript error in IE8 - Fixed: Search subscriptions 1.0.3 - 18/03/2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Returns the image code whe image is the first item in a post 1.0.2 - 01/09/2011 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - 3.1+ compatibility update 1.0.1 - 06/01/2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - 3.0+ compatibility update 1.0.0 - 03/31/2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Initial Release. 51443-1472477221-au